Wednesday, May 23, 2007

now its yoga

i recently realized a new energy in me to start spiritual awakening....jsut a tiny minute little rebellion against the system.

does that sound like utter crap? yoga a way to rebel!

i heard the newz that some guy...i dont know if there were just one or more...some crazy group or an organisation....wether indians or americans or africans or what! but i heard that they had filed a patent for yoga...

this is one of those times when u feel helpless sitting in your drawing room and try to make yourself feel better by merely changing the channel...i did the same thing

i am not much of a tv person or even a newz person...its after every zillion years that i feel the urge to now whats going on in the world i live in....and this is what happens...i feel bogged down and stiffled by the system....the structure which gave something like yoga as a cultural inheritance to's specifically indian....atleast to me and to crores of other people who cannot find the root of its origin...or its influences or its possible migrations from other places even in the ancient times...hey its all possible in this world of "intertexuality" as a freind o mine puts it

all of us have been reduced to diasporic in one nostalgia or the golden world experienced a rupture when i heard this newz....a part of me which i defined and detailed by my "indianness" can now be potentially controlled or "copy-righted" by someone who i do not know and who mite not know what he/she is taking away from me and countless others...

every aspect of me can be advertised or controlled.....not speakin of the so called "brain-washing" of the media

perhaps an over-raction to the changing face of the world....

perhaps the world will come back full circle as they say evrything does and the system will gradually give back what its taking....perhaps the patents will hold no value one day.....even the social ones...

perhaps i'll forget about this in about 6 onths and become a part of the whole encroaching process....

perhaps no one will read this and one day silently i'll erase this weak testimony of my protest....



RAVI said...

HEY....i read ur testimonial now it yoga....but frankly speaking i really don't have words to comment on it.....but yes i agree with u on this.

Guz \0 said...

intertexuality . please thank your friend :)